Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One does not decease with the deceased.

everything has to come to an end sooner or later, nothing can last forever. when our heart stops and soul departs, that is the end of our journey in this world. however, it is not necessary that when our breathing end and our spirit leaves the body then only our life ceases to exists. sometimes the death of a dear one can also extract the life out of us..
sometimes we become too attached to world objects, which only need to a dissatisfied and unhappy life. on the other hand, there are few blood relations who means allot. God himself has ordered us love them.their loss is a huge lose , and that pain has great value in his eyes..but that pain should have its limits.spending;s one's entire life in depression makes him angry, after all he is the one who gifted such a beautiful relation and he has right to take it back.
at times, certain events donot occur according to one's will, which lead to disappointing  and depression. but what one forges is that everything is pre_planned and whatever happens, happens for a reason. there are some benefits for the individuals hidden within it, that he is incapable of seeing at that time.
life is a precious opportunity, a privilege, gifted only once. one should make the most of it and instead of crying over what is lost, one should move on and try to seek his happiness, because in the end that's all that matters.

because life always has a way of moving on, whether we forget our old memories or give way..life does not stop for us. the real courage lies in facing the truth and eventually , letting go

Sunday, July 3, 2011

relations are precious..take care of them

a  relation need much time to become good,closest and reliable but it need only few seconds to destroy..  well  we need to be careful in any kind of relationship.. because little misunderstanding can lead to destroy our whole relation and memories with specific person..
according to me the major reasons in any relation that become the cause of tensions and problems in a relations are communication gap between people and lack of understanding..because whenever you are in conflict with someone, there is no factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it and that factor is attitude..it depend on us that which kind of attitude we use positive or negative.a famous scholar said "People change and forget to tell each other.  .that's why when you are in a relation try your best to neglect the tiny mistakes of others.ask the reason with soft way,try to listen others point of view and than give your own but in soft way..always try to understand other..and don't stress on reasons much because reasons not matters its only persons who matters.

Get out and see some nature!

 Stavanger is a beautiful little quiet city, but the true beauty lies out in the mountains and the countless Fjords on the west coast of Norway.

bitter reality of life